Construction Health Safety

Nothing is more important than the health, safety and wellbeing of our colleagues and the clients we serve

Always exceeding expectations

At the core of West One are three principles that define us and the services that we provide: Quality, Integrity and Delivery. These principles are deeply rooted in how we go to work. They are what has shaped our reputation and lead to our customers coming back, time after time.

Our business relies upon satisfied customers who are willing to be our advocates, and we work tirelessly to develop relationships that are open, honest and backed by a responsive and flexible attitude. Our team always take a very proactive approach to finding solutions and solving problems.

Safety First

Each day at West One, our priority is to keep people safe during their working hours to ensure they make it back home safely to their loved ones and all of our projects are delivered around our robust ‘Safety First’ strategy.

Some companies talk safety, whilst at West One, we live it. Safety is our first choice and second nature, so that people go home from work safely every single day.

Our approach to ‘Right First Time’ allows us to focus on eliminating critical risks that will have the greatest consequences. This means working with clients to design out safety risks and design in safety controls in the early stages of our projects, because we know we stand to have the most impact when we plan upfront.

A well organised, safe & clean site is a productive site and this benefits all working on it.

Edge Protection
Our People

Our People

We are committed to the wellbeing of our people and have a continuous investment program to ensure our site facilities and our staff accommodation are industry leading. Investing in our people is at the core of our business as it takes exceptional people to deliver exceptional projects.

We regularly audit and inspect all our facilities to ensure that our standards are kept to and that further improvements can be made.


Modern Slavery

West One is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships, implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in the company or our supply chain.

We comply with all legislation including The Modern Slavery Act 2015, ensuring we prevent any illegal working.

We are also absolutely committed to maintaining and improving systems and processes to prevent human rights violations within our own operations and that of our supply chain.

Modern Slavery Act
Investing in our people

Investing in our people

Our well-established West One training programme is a dedicated and fully supported resource available to all employees in line with our commitment to developing and training apprentices.

We offer all of our people the opportunity to gain employment and training whilst achieving worthwhile qualifications to help ensure continuous employment throughout their careers.

At the start of every project, we agree targets and KPI’s for labour force.

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